For it Inc. (“Forit” or "we") provides our business customers ("you") with this Service Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") to inform you of how we handle the personal data when you use our services and our main website If you are a California resident, please also see our California Consumer Privacy Act Disclosures here:

1. Definition of Personal Data

Personal Data means information that can be used to reasonably identify an individual or household, or as defined under applicable data protection and privacy laws (“Personal Data”).

2. Collection and Use of Personal Data

(1) Collection of Personal Data
Forit informs you of the purposes for the collection, use or disclosure of the Personal Data on or before collection and makes reasonable security arrangements to manage your Personal Data to protect it from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks. The Personal Data that we shall collect is limited to the extent necessary for our purposes of use specified in (2) below. Forit collects the following types of Personal Data about our business customers: name, contact information, social media account information, payment information, date of birth, information concerning your use of our service, and professional information.

Use of cookies and other technologies

Forit may collect Personal Data on you automatically through the use of cookies and other technologies such as web beacons when you request the use of our services or have other customer support inquiries. These features collect small pieces of data sent from our main customer website and stored on your computer web browser (including smartphones, tablets). These features are designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember useful information or to record your browsing activity to improve usability and functionality.

If you do not wish for such Personal Data to be gathered using our cookies and other technologies, please note that you can configure your internet browser settings to reject all cookies, accept only certain cookies, or notify you when a cookie is set. Rejecting the use of our cookies may result in some features being disabled.

(2) Use of Personal Data
Forit shall use the Personal Data for the following purposes with respect to the provision of Webridge services. Webridge is an overseas affiliate program operated by Forit, through which (among other things) it connects the platforms operated by advertisers and publishers, allowing users of the publishers’ platform to be redirected to the advertisers’ platform and/or contact the advertisers. Forit collects and processes Personal Data solely within the scope of the purposes below unless permitted by applicable laws and regulations.

  • Performing obligations in the course of or in connection with our provision of Webridge services;
  • Verifying your identity;
  • Communicating changes or suspension to Webridge services;
  • Processing payment and credit transactions for the provision of Webridge services, and transmitting to our service providers and agents, and relevant governmental and/or regulatory authorities, whether in Japan or abroad, for the aforementioned purposes;
  • Sending you information on the Webridge services to be provided;
  • Research and development of new products and services;
  • Development, operation and maintenance of Webridge operating facilities and accompanying facilities;
  • Marketing research and other research;
  • Providing updates on new products and promotions, including but not limited to rewards and campaigns schemes;
  • Response to requests for disclosure under applicable laws and regulations; and
  • Replying to your inquiries, requests, applications, complaints and feedback from you.

3. Transfer of Personal Data to Third Parties outside of Your Country

(1) Forit shall take appropriate steps to ensure that the overseas recipient is bound by legally enforceable obligations so as to provide to your transferred Personal Data a standard of protection that is at least comparable to that under applicable laws.

(2) Forit shall not provide or disclose your Personal Data to third parties outside of your country without your consent, except for the permitted situations below:

  • you are expressly informed of the intended transfer of your Personal Data to the recipient, and you consent to such transfer;
  • the transfer of the Personal Data to the recipient is necessary for the performance of a contract between you and us, or to do anything at your request with a view to you entering into a contract with us;
  • the transfer of the Personal Data to the recipient is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between us and a third party which is entered into at your request;
  • the transfer of the Personal Data to the recipient is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between us and you; and
  • the transfer of Personal Data to the recipient is permitted under applicable laws, and we have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Data so transferred will not be used or disclosed by the recipient for any other purpose.

4. Compliance with relevant laws

Forit shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations on Personal Data.

5. Your rights and choices

Individuals in certain jurisdictions have legal rights to obtain confirmation of whether we hold Personal Data about them, to access Personal Data we hold about them (including, in some cases, in portable form), and to obtain its source, correction, purpose of collection, update, amendment or deletion in appropriate circumstances. They may also object to our uses or disclosures of Personal Data, request a restriction on its processing, or withdraw any consent, though such actions typically will not have retroactive effect. They also will not affect our ability to continue processing data in lawful ways. To exercise any of the rights or choices described above (or any other rights under applicable law), please contact us as described at the end of this Privacy Policy.

The rights and options described above are subject to limitations and exceptions under applicable law. We will respond to your requests to exercise your privacy rights in accordance with applicable law. We may request additional information from you to verify your identity and complete your request. If we deny your request, we will explain why. In some states in the United States, you have the right to appeal our denial, which you may exercise by responding to the message we send to you communicating our denial stating that you appeal our decision. In these cases, we will reconsider your request and then notify you of our decision.

6. Accuracy of Personal Data

Forit shall rely on Personal Data provided by you. Please update us on changes to your Personal Data by submitting a written notice to our Data Protection Officer so that we may ensure that your Personal Data is up to date.

7. Retention of Personal Data

Subject to applicable laws, Forit shall only retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.

8. Contact information of Personal Data Protection Officer

For any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy, please submit your request to our Personal Data Protection Officer using the following contact details:
Postal Address: 9th floor E-Space Tower, 3-6, Maruyamacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0044 Japan

Company Information:
For it Inc.
9th floor E-Space Tower, 3-6, Maruyamacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0044 Japan
Tel: +81 3-5728-5865
Monday to Friday
Regular holidays: Saturday and Sunday/National holidays (under holiday laws)/Year-End and New Year holidays

9. Changes to the Privacy Policy

Forit may update this Privacy Policy without notice from time to time, to ensure that this Privacy Policy is consistent with any changes in legal or regulatory requirements, industry trends and/or future developments. Please check our website on a regular basis for updates.

Effective date: June 27th, 2024