These Terms and Conditions for Webridge Publishers (these “T&Cs”) shall provide for the relationship between For it Inc. (“Forit”) and the Publisher (as defined in Article 1, Item. 1) regarding the use of “Webridge” (as defined in Article 1, Item. 4) services (the “Services”).
本Webridge廣告發布商條款及條件(“本條款”)適用所有使用福藝特股份有限公司(“Forit”)提供的Webridge(定義於第一條第四項)服務(“本服務”) 之廣告發布商(定義於第一條第一項)。

Article 1. Definitions
第一條 定義

The terms used in these T&Cs are defined as follows:

  • (1)Publisher and Affiliate Sites
    “Publisher” means a person or entity who agrees to these T&Cs to place an Advertiser’s advertisement on the Affiliate Sites and intends to receive compensation by: (i) guiding the User to the Advertiser Sites through the Affiliate Links; (ii) making the User call the phone number (including the IP phone number) assigned to the Advertiser posted on the Affiliate Sites; and (iii) or both.
  • (1)廣告發布商及聯盟行銷網站
    “Affiliate Sites” means websites and email magazines operated by the Publisher.
  • (2)Advertiser and Advertiser Sites
    “Advertiser” means a user who agrees to the “Terms and Conditions for the Overseas Use of Performance-Based Advertising Services” provided separately by Forit and who uses the Services.
    “Advertiser Sites” means websites operated by the Advertiser that provide its own products and services as a business.
  • (2)廣告主及廣告主網站
  • (3)Business Day
    “Business Day” means a day (excluding Saturdays and Sundays, public holidays under Japanese National Holidays Act and non-business day for Forit).
  • (3)營業日
  • (4)User
    “User” means a person or entity who moves or intends to move from the Affiliate Sites to the Advertiser Site via a link on the Affiliate Sites, or wants to contact the Advertiser by calling the phone number assigned to the Advertiser.
  • (4)使用者
  • (5)Affiliate Program and Webridge
    “Affiliate Program” means a system constructed with the Advertiser Sites and the Affiliate Sites as constituent elements, in which the Advertiser pays the Publisher for any advertising results (“Advertising Results”) separately determined between Forit and the Advertiser by guiding the User from the Affiliate Sites to the Advertiser Sites, or by calling the phone number assigned to the Advertiser.
    “Webridge” means the Affiliate Program operated by Forit under the “Terms and Conditions for the Overseas Use of Performance-Based Advertising Services.”
  • (5)聯盟行銷模式及Webridge
  • (6)Webridge Website
    “Webridge Website” means the website related to Webridge established by Forit.
  • (6)“Webridge網站”係指由Forit建立而與Webridge相關之網站。
  • (7)Promotion
    “Promotion” collectively means the advertising activities of the Advertiser conducted through the Affiliate Links by placing advertisements on the Affiliate Sites based on the Affiliate Program. Promotion shall be treated as one unit for each type and style of advertisement posted. The Advertiser may select the Performance-Based Fee and Affiliate Sites for the Services by Promotion unit.
  • (7)行銷推廣
  • (8)Performance-Based Fee
    “Performance-Based Fee” is the fee for the Advertising Results paid by the Advertiser to the Publisher by means of the method that Forit presents in advance to the Publisher.
  • (8)成果費用
  • (9)Affiliate Links
    “Affiliate Links” means all forms generated by the Advertiser or Forit, such as hyperlinks, texts, merchandise images, button logos, banners, etc., placed on the Affiliate Sites, clicking to display the Advertiser Sites on the User’s browsers, and sending phone numbers from the User’s phones to the Advertiser.
  • (9)聯盟行銷連結
  • (10)This Agreement
    “This Agreement” means the agreement between Forit and the Publisher under these T&Cs. It shall be deemed to be executed when the Publisher submits an application to become the Publisher and Forit agrees to such under the following Article.
  • (10)本契約

Article 2. Application and Approval
第二條 申請與批准

  • 1.Anyone seeking to become the Publisher, after agreeing with these T&Cs, shall make an application to become the Publisher by specifying the necessary matters in the application form prescribed by Forit on the website.
  • 1.在同意本條款之前提下,任何想要成為廣告發布商的人皆應填具Forit公布在網站上的申請書並完成必要事項的填寫後提出正式申請。
  • 2.Whether or not Forit agrees to an application in the preceding paragraph from the Publisher shall be at Forit’s sole discretion and, if so, shall be made by email.
  • 2.Forit是否同意廣告發布商基於前項規定所提出之申請應由Forit自行決定,若Forit同意廣告發布商之申請則應以電子郵件方式為之。

Article 3. Establishment of Affiliate Links
第三條 聯盟行銷連結的建立

The Publisher shall set up the Affiliate Links on the Affiliate Sites according to the style specified by the Advertiser.

Article 4. Type of Performance-Based Fee
第四條 成果報酬的類型

The types of Performance-Based Fee shall be as follows:

  • (1)Click-on Type
    Click-on type means the Performance-Based Fee paid in proportion to the number of clicks on the Affiliate Links by the User in the Affiliate Program. However, if the same or substantially same User clicks on the same Affiliate Link more than once within a certain time reasonably determined by Forit, it will not be counted towards the number of clicks for the basis of the Performance-Based Fee.
  • (1)點擊型
  • (2)Results-Based Fee Type
    Results-based fee type means the Performance-Based Fee for the Affiliate Program that is paid in accordance with results, such as the purchase of the Advertiser’s products or services by the User or the response to a questionnaire.
  • (2)結果報酬型
  • (3)Call Type
    Call type means the Performance-Based Fee generated in response to the User’s phone calls to the Advertiser in the Affiliate Program. However, in the case of outgoing phone calls, only those that exceed the communication time stipulated by Forit for each Promotion shall be considered as the basis of the performance.
  • (3)通話型

Article 5. Calculation of Performance-Based Fee
第五條 成果報酬的計算

  • 1.Publisher shall confirm various conditions relating to the Performance-Based Fee, such as the type of Performance-Based Fee for each Promotion posted on the Webridge Website and the content of the results that form the basis for the Performance-Based Fee, and submit an application to Forit to place advertisements on the Affiliate Sites and establish the Affiliate Links for desired Promotion. Publisher may place advertisements and establish the Affiliate Links on the Affiliate Sites if Forit and the Advertiser approve the application.
  • 1.廣告發布商應確認與成果報酬相關的各種條件,例如每個在Webridge網站上基於成果報酬的類型所發布的行銷推廣資訊及構成成果報酬的內容,並向Forit提出申請以求在聯盟行銷網站上發布廣告並建立聯盟行銷連結以進行所需的行銷推廣。廣告發布商得於Forit及廣告主同意其申請後,於聯盟行銷網站上發布廣告。
  • 2.Publisher shall acknowledge that the terms of accrual or calculation of the Performance-Based Fee for each Promotion may be changed from time to time upon agreement between Forit and the Advertiser and shall not make any objection against it. However, if there is any such change, Forit shall post the content of such change on the Webridge Website in advance or give notification by email magazine.
  • 2.廣告發布商應確知每次行銷推廣的成果報酬累積及計算方式將依Forit與廣告主之間的契約不時地修正,且廣告主不得對此異議。惟Forit應事前將該變更之內容發布於Webridge網站或以電子雜誌發送通知。
  • 3.Performance-Based Fee shall be fixed under the provisions of these T&Cs.
  • 3.成果報酬的確定應依本條款之規定。
  • 4.The Advertiser shall pay the Publisher the Performance-Based Fee accrued under the Affiliate Program. Forit shall pay the Publisher upon receipt of the Performance-Based Fee from the Advertiser upon consignment from the Advertiser under the following Article, and the Publisher shall not directly claim from the Advertiser until the payment due date of the Performance-Based Fee has passed.
  • 4.廣告主應支付廣告發布商基於聯盟行銷模式的成果報酬。Forit應根據以下條款,於收到廣告主支付的成果報酬後向廣告發布商支付廣告發布商應得之成果報酬;且廣告發布商不得於廣告發布商應得之成果報酬支付日到期之前直接向廣告主請求廣告發布商應得之成果報酬。
  • 5.Forit shall not pay the Publisher if the Advertiser does not pay the Performance-Based Fee to Forit, or if Forit determines that it is highly likely that the Advertiser will not pay the Performance-Based Fee due to objective circumstances.
  • 5.在未收到廣告主應支付的成果報酬之前或Forit依據客觀情況確信廣告主很可能不會支付成果報酬時,Forit不得向廣告發布商支付廣告發布商應得之成果報酬。

Article 6. Payment of Performance-Based Fee
第六條 成果報酬的支付

  • 1.Forit shall close the Performance-Based Fee received from the Advertiser on the last day of each month and pay the Performance-Based Fee by wire transfer to a designated bank account of the Publisher until the last day of the following month (however, if the last day is a bank holiday, it shall be the previous business day). Publisher shall bear the wire transfer costs.
  • 1.Forit應在每月月底時結算自廣告主收取之成果報酬並將廣告發布商應得之成果報酬於次月最後一天前以電匯方式支付到廣告發布商指定的銀行帳戶。(惟若當天為銀行休息日,則以前一個營業日為準。)所有的電匯費用由廣告發布商負擔。
  • 2.Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the outstanding balance of the Performance-Based Fee to be paid by Forit to the Publisher (the “Outstanding Balance”) totals less than one hundred U.S. dollars (100 USD), payment will be deferred until the next payment due date. In addition, if the Outstanding Balance is less than one hundred U.S. dollars (100 USD) in total at the expiration or termination of this Agreement, Forit may itself receive the amount equivalent to the Outstanding Balance as a commission for the closing of this Agreement.
  • 2.無論前項規定之內容如何規定,若應由Forit支付給廣告發布商的成果報酬的未付餘額(“未付帳款”)合計未達一百美元(100美元)者,該筆成果報酬將會遞延至下月支付。於本契約期間屆滿或終止時,若未付帳款合計未達一百美元(100美元)者,Forit將保留該筆金額作為結算手續費。
  • 3.The Publisher shall designate a bank account in Paragraph 1 of this Article as a savings account or a checking account (excluding a post office account).
  • 3.廣告發布商應就本條第一項之規定,指定銀行帳戶作為儲蓄帳戶或支票帳戶(郵局帳戶除外)。
  • 4.If there is any deficiency in the information of the designated bank account that the Publisher has notified to Forit, Forit shall not be required to investigate or confirm such and shall not be responsible for any delay in paying the Performance-Based Fee.
  • 4.如果廣告發布商提供與Forit的指定銀行帳戶資訊有所疏漏,Forit沒有義務查證或確認該資訊且不因此承擔成果報酬遲延支付的責任。
  • 5.The fees earned from the use of other point sites operated by Forit shall be aggregated with the Performance-Based Fee and Forit shall pay the Publisher under this Article.
  • 5.Forit應依本條規定支付廣告發布商因其使用其他Forit營運的積分網站而賺取之報酬,該報酬應與成果報酬加總後支付。

Article 7. Exchange for Points
第七條 積分兌換

  • 1.If the Publisher wishes to do so, the Publisher may, in lieu of the payment of the Performance-Based Fee in the previous Article, exchange points issued by the point site operating companies with which Forit has a relationship as a business partner (the “Partner Company”) or virtual currency designated by Forit (collectively the “Points”) .
  • 1.若廣告發布商有意願,其得以前條規定之成果報酬兌換與Forit有合作夥伴關係的公司(“合作夥伴公司”)所營運的積分網站所發行之積分或兌換Forit指定之虛擬貨幣(統稱”積分”)。
  • 2.The Publisher wishing to exchange the Points shall register members under the procedures stipulated in advance by the Partner Company. The exchange rates for the Performance-Based Fee and the Points shall be confirmed on the Administrator Page/Site.
  • 2.有意願進行積分兌換的廣告發布商應事先依照合作夥伴公司規定的程序註冊成為會員。成果報酬與積分之匯率將於管理員頁面/網站中確立。
  • 3.The minimum amount of exchange for the Points shall be determined on the Administrator Page/Site.
  • 3.積分最小兌換數將於管理員頁面/網站中確立。
  • 4.For the Performance-Based Fee exchanged under the respective provisions of this Article, Forit shall be exempt from the obligation to pay the fee when the Partner Company grants the Points, and the treatment of the Points after the exchange shall be managed at its own responsibility under the terms and conditions etc. of the Partner Company.
  • 4.Forit於成果報酬根據本條規定進行兌換且合作夥伴公司發放積分的情況下免除成果報酬的支付義務,且兌換後的積分處理應由其依合作夥伴公司的條款及條件自行管理並承擔責任。
  • 5.When the Publisher exchanges the Performance-Based Fee for the Points, the Publisher selects the Partner Company from the Administrator Page/Site and applies for the number of Points to be exchanged for the amount of the fee. Schedules for application and the Points granted shall be set for each Partner Company, and details shall be clarified on the Administrator Page/Site or the Webridge Website. If there is no Points exchange, the Performance-Based Fee before the exchange application will be maintained and Forit will notify the Publisher by email that the Points exchange has not been made. However, Forit will not assume any responsibility if there is no normal exchange for the Points.
  • 5.當廣告發布商以成果報酬交換積分時,廣告發布商自管理員頁面/網站選擇合作夥伴公司並申請要兌換成積分的成果報酬金額。每個合作夥伴公司的申請排程與發放積分及其細節都應在管理員頁面/網站或Webridge網站上敘明。若積分兌換不存在,則成果報酬將維持在申請兌換前的金額,Forit將以電子郵件通知廣告發布商該兌換沒有完成。惟若是積分沒有正常兌換的情況Forit將不承擔任何責任。
  • 6.The Publisher shall either receive the Performance-Based Fee in the designated account or receive the Performance-Based Fee based on the Points of the Partner Company under the provisions of this Article and notify Forit from the Administrator Page/Site. Forit shall check the method of receiving the Performance-Based Fee selected by the Publisher on the last day of each month and shall pay the Performance-Based Fee under this method. The Publisher shall not change the method of receiving the Performance-Based Fee in the month, at the end of which Forit has already confirmed the method of receiving the Performance-Based Fee.
  • 6.廣告發布商應在指定帳戶中收取成果報酬或收取依據本條規定的合作夥伴公司積分,並以管理員頁面/網站之方式通知Forit。Forit應在每個月的最後一天確認廣告發布商所選擇的成果報酬收取方式,並依該方式支付成果報酬。廣告發布商不得在當月月底更改已經Forit確認的成果報酬收取方式。

Article 8. Privacy Policy
第八條 隱私權政策

The Publisher, in performing any rights, interests, duties, and/or obligations under these T&Cs, confirm to have read and understood and shall, at all times, agree and comply with Forit’s Privacy Policy, which forms part of these T&Cs.

Article 9. Changes etc. to the Promotion
第九條 行銷推廣的變動

The Advertiser may at any time make changes, additions, deletions or suspensions to the Promotion (the “Changes etc. to the Promotion”), and the Publisher shall not make any objections. Forit shall notify the Publisher of the Changes etc. to the Promotion by posting them on the Webridge Website or by email, as much as practically possible, five (5) days before the Change etc. to the Promotion.

Article 10. Suspension of Advertising
第十條 廣告的中止

The Publisher and the Advertiser may make suspensions regarding the placement of the Advertiser’s advertisements on the Affiliate Sites and the establishment of the Affiliate Links at any time, without any objections to each other.

Article 11. Addition or Change of the Advertising Materials, Default Advertising
第十一條 廣告素材的新增或變更、預設廣告

The Advertiser may at any time add or change the advertising material of the Advertiser posted on the Affiliate Sites and the Publisher shall not make any objections. If the Advertiser has completed the Promotion and there is no material to replace the Advertiser’s advertisements posted on the Affiliate Sites, the advertising material on the site owned by Forit will be posted instead. In this case, no Performance-Based Fee will be paid for the advertisement based on said advertising material.

Article 12. Publisher Advertising Results Management
第十二條 廣告發布商廣告成果管理

Forit will provide the Publisher with a dedicated management page on the Webridge Website. The Publisher will regularly access the management page to check the status of daily Advertising Results and immediately report to Forit if the Publisher discovers any erroneous or probable indications.

Article 13. ID and Password Management
第十三條 帳號及密碼管理

The Publisher shall not disclose or lend to third parties their IDs and passwords for the Services and shall strictly manage them so that they are not leaked to third parties. When a third party other than the Publisher uses the IDs and passwords of the Publisher and uses the Services, Forit may deem such use to be use by the Publisher.

Article 14. Term
第十四條 期間

The term of this Agreement shall be six (6) months from the execution date of this Agreement. It shall be automatically renewed for six (6) months from the expiration of the term of this Agreement unless either party has notified of its intention to refuse the renewal, and the same shall apply thereafter.

Article 15. Termination by Publisher
第十五條 廣告發布商終止

The Publisher may terminate this Agreement at any time by clicking on the “Termination Button” on the Webridge Website opened by Forit.

Article 16. Communication with Responsible Personnel
第十六條 負責人員的聯繫

  • 1.Communication between the Publisher and Forit shall be carried out by email or the Webridge Website, and the Publisher shall receive email from Forit at any time.
  • 1.廣告發布商與Forit間的聯繫應以電子郵件或Webridge網站進行,且廣告發布商應隨時接收來自Forit的電子郵件。
  • 2.If Forit sends an email to a contact email address designated by the Publisher, it is deemed to have reached at the time of the sending, even if the email does not arrive.
  • 2.若Forit發送電子郵件至廣告發布商指定的電子郵件信箱,縱使該電子郵件並未送達仍被視為在發送時點即已完成送達。

Article 17. Prohibited Acts
第十七條 禁止行為

  • 1.The Publisher shall not conduct any of the following acts:
  • 1.廣告發布商不得有以下行為:
    • (1)Modification of the links
      The unauthorized modification of links provided by the Advertiser or Forit (including the advertising material and its link code).
    • (1)修改連結
    • (2)Request any action for the Performance-Based Fee
      Attracting a click or call (the “Click, etc.”) by taking the following actions, mostly for the purpose of earning the Performance-Based Fee:
      • Requesting others and third parties to do the Click etc.
      • Posting descriptions to encourage the Click, etc., and guiding the User to do the Click etc. including any actions that might cause misunderstandings.
    • (2)追求成果報酬的行為
      • 要求其他人或第三人進行點擊等行為。
      • 發布鼓勵點擊等行為的言論及引導使用者進行點擊等行為,包括所有可能產生誤解的行為。
    • (3)Fraud
      The Publisher, either by themselves or with third parties, shall not perform the following acts:
      • Fraudulent actions, such as continuing or frequent clicks, as if the Performance Based Fee had been incurred.
      • Actions that are regarded as unfairly rewarding, such as clicks, orders, and registrations that are against the advertising purposes of the Advertiser or the purposes of the Services (including fraudulent clicks using programs, frame tags, iframe tags, software, etc., clicks that falsify IP and host names, etc., and posting on lead mails).
      • Other actions that Forit deems as acts of wrongdoing.
    • (3)詐欺
      • 詐欺行為如連續或頻繁點擊造成如同成果報酬已生成的效果。
      • 為求取不正當報酬而進行如點擊、訂購及註冊等違反廣告主廣告目的或本服務目的之行為(例如使用程式、框架標籤、iframe tags及軟體等進行欺詐點擊、偽造IP及主機名稱等、利用lead mails發布廣告。
      • 其他Forit認定為不正當的行為。
    • (4)Posting advertisements on sites other than registered sites
      Placing advertising in media other than the Affiliate Sites that the Publisher has notified to Forit.
    • (4)於註冊網站外之網站發布廣告。
    • (5)Spam Practice
      Email spam, advertising by writing on bulletin boards, and other activities that could be an inconvenience for third parties.
    • (5)垃圾郵件
    • (6)Posting advertising materials after the posting period
      Continuing to post advertising materials and their link codes after the expiration of the posting period.
    • (6)於發布期間後發布廣告
    • (7)Advertising placement outside the target media
      Placing advertisements on sites that are accessible via mobile devices, such as i-mode, in the Promotion targeting PC sites.
    • (7)於目標媒體外置放廣告
    • (8)Direct contact with the Advertiser
      Contact with the Advertiser directly without going through Forit regarding the Services, except if the Advertiser delays the payment of the Performance-Based Fee.
    • (8) 與廣告主直接接觸
    • (9)Posting content that is inconsistent with the intent
      Placing content on the Affiliate Sites that is inconsistent with, or not appropriate for, the purpose of the Services or the purpose of the advertising of the Advertiser.
    • (9) 發布與意圖不符的內容
    • (10)Posting in a manner that violates the terms and conditions specified by the Advertiser
    • (10)以違反廣告主指定條款及條件之方式發布。
    • (11)Intentionally buying and attracting customers through listing advertising the trademark keywords of competing companies
    • (11)意圖吸引客戶而刊登廣告宣傳競爭公司的商標關鍵字。
    • (12)Publishing in a manner which violates the prohibited conditions of the Promotion to be posted on the Webridge Website
    • (12)以違反Webridge網站所載之條款及條件之方式發布。
  • 2.If the existence of the prohibited actions described in the preceding paragraph is suspected, Forit may request the Publisher to submit a server log file or provide other information, and the Publisher shall corporate with doing so.
  • 2.如對前項禁止行為之存在有所疑慮,Forit得要求廣告發布商提供伺服器日誌資料或其他資料進行確認,廣告發布商就此應配合Forit的請求。

Article 18. Requirements
第十八條 資格

The Publisher shall satisfy all of the following requirements:

  • The following websites have not been operated:
    • Sites that encourage violence or abuse.
    • Sites that violate laws or morals or that publish links or banners to sites that encourage racial discrimination.
    • Other sites that violate Forit’s separate standards.
  • Must be the age of majority or over.
  • The site must have sufficient content to collaborate with the Advertiser.
  • The site should be accessible without any ID or passwords.
  • There must be no misstatement of information disclosed to Forit or the Advertiser.
  • No termination history of this Agreement by Forit.
  • There has been no termination from other entities regarding contracts using affiliate programs operated by such entities other than Forit.
  • Must have a physical address.


  • 網站的營運無以下內容:
    • 網站鼓勵暴力或虐待。
    • 網站違反法律或公序良俗,連結或橫幅指向鼓勵種族歧視的網站。
    • 違反Forit另外制定的標準。
  • 已成年。
  • 網站有足夠內容與廣告主合作。
  • 網站無須帳號或密碼即可訪問。
  • 揭露與Forit或廣告主之資訊不存在錯誤。
  • 未有遭Forit終止本契約之紀錄。
  • 未被除Forit外之營運聯盟行銷模式之企業終止契約。
  • 應有實際地址。

Article 19. Termination and Penalty
第十九條 終止與違約金

Forit may terminate this Agreement without notice if the Publisher falls under any of the following items. If this Agreement was terminated as a result of the application of this Article, Forit may confiscate the outstanding Performance-Based Fee as a penalty and Forit may refuse payment to the Publisher.

  • In the event of a breach of this Agreement.
  • In the event of violations of laws and other regulations.
  • If it is found that officers, employees, or shareholders of the other party constitute a member of any gang or other antisocial organizations etc. including but not limited to persons or entities which support any gang activities or give any benefits for management of any gang or antisocial organizations.
  • If the Publisher is found not to meet or fails to meet the requirements in the preceding Article.
  • If the content of the advertisement results is irrational.
  • If a person has acquired multiple Publisher IDs despite being recognized as substantially the same person, such as a registered Affiliate Site name or URL, mail address, designated account, name, or company name, or all of them being the same.
  • Any other events similar or analogous to any of the above occur.


  • 違反本契約。
  • 違反法律或其他規則。
  • 經發現其董事、員工或股東為幫派或反社會團體之成員等,包括但不限於自然人或法人支持幫派活動或提供利益與幫派或反社會團體的管理階層。
  • 經發現廣告發布商不符合或不能符合前條之資格。
  • 廣告成果之內容不合理。
  • 經識別,同一人但獲取多個廣告發布商帳號,例如註冊的聯盟行銷網站名稱或網址、電子郵件信箱、指定帳戶、名稱或公司名稱,或以上資訊皆相同。
  • 其他與上述情形相似或類似之情況。

Article 20. Maintenance of Services
第二十條 本服務的維護

Maintenance of the Services shall be performed periodically or irregularly by Forit.

Article 21. Temporary Suspension of Services
第二十一條 本服務的短暫暫停

In the case of maintenance in the preceding Article, if the server and software to be operated by the Services are necessary for the implementation of maintenance, repairs, etc., or if Forit deems it necessary, Forit may suspend the Services temporarily.

Article 22. Change or Termination of Services
第二十二條 本服務的變更或終止

Forit may change or terminate the content of the Services if it is deemed necessary or appropriate to change or abandon all or part of the content of the Services. In this case, Forit shall notify the Publisher in advance (ex. post, if unavoidable) of any changes or terminations by displaying them on the Webridge Website or by email.

Article 23. Confidentiality
第二十三條 保密條款

  • 1.The Publisher shall not disclose or leak any information that they have learned or perceived in connection with Webridge to third parties or use it for any other purposes than the purpose of this Agreement. Such information shall include all information displayed in the account management system and all information written in emails sent by Forit.
  • 1.廣告發布商不得揭露或洩露任何他們所知道或接收的Webridge相關資訊給第三人,亦不得於本契約目的範圍以外使用該資訊。該資訊包括所有呈現在帳戶管理系統的資訊以及記載在Forit所發送的電子郵件中的資訊。
  • 2.The provisions of this Article will survive after the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
  • 2.本條條款於本契約期間屆滿或終止後仍繼續有效。

Article 24. Disclosure of Information
第二十四條 資訊揭露

Forit may disclose information on the Publisher to third parties (including those in the same industry) to the extent of the following if the Publisher violates the provisions of these T&Cs:

  • Scope required to investigate the violations of the Publisher.
  • Scope necessary to encourage and prevent violations by the Publisher, to prevent the spread of damages, and to prevent any recurrence.
  • Scope required for the operation of the Affiliate Program.


  • 調查廣告發布商違反行為之必須範圍內。
  • 鼓勵及預防廣告發布商的違反行為、避免損害擴大或避免再發之必須範圍內。
  • 聯盟行銷模式的營運必須範圍內。

Article 25. Intellectual Property of a Third Party
第二十五條 第三人的智慧財產權

The Publisher ensures that the content on the Affiliate Sites (excluding advertising by the Advertiser) does not infringe on third-party patents, utility model rights, design rights, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, name rights, portraits, honors, privacy rights, and other rights. In the event of a dispute between the Publisher and a third party, Forit shall bear no liability and, if the dispute damages Forit, Forit may claim compensation including actual attorneys’ fees against the Publisher.

Article 26. Limitation of Guarantees
第二十六條 擔保範圍

Forit shall not warrant any of the following matters on the Services, and the Publisher shall not make any objection and Forit shall assume no liability, including under Article 20 or Article 21.

  • Continue to operate the Services at all times without interruption.
  • Restore the Services as they are in their original state in the event of defects in the Services.
  • No disruptive components, such as computer viruses in the Services.
  • Providing a security method to ensure the complete availability of the previous three items.
  • Display advertisements properly without any reliance on the User’s operating environment.


  • 始終不間斷的提供本服務。
  • 本服務發生瑕疵時還原本服務的原始狀態。
  • 本服務不存在破壞性元素,例如電腦病毒等。
  • 提供確保上述三個項目完全符合需求的保全方式。
  • 在不依賴使用者操作環境之狀況下正確地顯示廣告。

Article 27. Limitation of Liability
第二十七條 責任範圍

In the event of damage to the Publisher in connection with the Services, Forit will bear no liability not attributable to Forit, and if Forit has attributable reasons, the maximum amount of damages to the Publisher from Forit shall be one hundred U.S. dollars (100 USD), except in the event of intentional or gross negligence.

Article 28. Intellectual Property and Licensing
第二十八條 智慧財產權與許可

The copyright of the system program and other intellectual property rights on the Services shall belong to Forit except for the copyright, trademark and other rights of the Advertiser regarding the Advertising Materials. The Publisher shall not infringe upon the rights of Forit and the Advertiser and shall not alter the system programs and advertising materials, etc. in the Services.

Article 29. No Assignment
第二十九條 禁止轉讓

The Publisher shall not assign, impose or exercise on third parties all or part of the rights or obligations under this Agreement, or pledge any collateral for such rights or obligations, unless the Publisher has obtained Forit’s prior written consent.

Article 30. Amendment of T&Cs
第三十條 本條款之修正

Forit may amend the content of these T&Cs if it is deemed necessary or appropriate to amend the content of these T&Cs. In this case, Forit shall notify the Publisher in advance of the amendment, either by displaying such amendment on the Webridge Website or by email.

Article 31. Currency
第三十一條 貨幣

  • 1.Currency of payments, demands for payment, calculations of the Performance-Based Fee and other settlement(“Payments etc.”) in this Agreement and these T&Cs shall be in U.S. dollars unless otherwise specified in writing.
  • 1.除另有書面約定者外,本契約及本條款中的支付貨幣、付款請求、成果報酬之計算及其他結算貨幣(“付款等事項”)皆為美元。
  • 2.The Publisher shall designate the currency of Payments etc. at the time of the application in Article 2, and the currency may not be changed unless Forit agrees in writing.
  • 2.廣告發布商應於依第二條提出申請之時即指定付款等事項之貨幣,且除得Forit書面同意外不得變更已經指定之貨幣。
  • 3.If Forit makes Payments etc. in a currency other than U.S. dollars, Forit may convert U.S. dollars into the currency designated by the Publisher at the exchange rate on the last day of the previous month of such Payments etc. (with respect to the calculation of the Performance-Based Fee, on the last day of the month in which the approval date of the results belong to).
  • 3.若Forit以美元以外之貨幣支付付款等事項,Forit得以付款等事項提出前一個月最後一日之匯率基準將美元轉換為廣告發布商指定之貨幣(關於成果報酬之計算則以結果批准當日所屬月份之最後一日為轉換匯率基準)。

Article 32. Reference to Time Zone.
第三十二條 參考時區

In this Agreement and these T&Cs, the standard date and time shall be based on Japan time. The date is also an important element in the performance of the obligations under this Agreement and these T&Cs.

Article 33. Severability
第三十三條 可分離性

Even if any provision or part of this Agreement or these T&Cs is judged to be invalid or non-enforceable by laws, regulations, guidelines, customs, etc. within Singapore or outside Singapore, the remainder of this Agreement and these T&Cs shall continue in full force.

Article 34. Governing Law
第三十四條 準據法

This Agreement and these T&Cs shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore, without reference to conflict of law principles.

Article 35. Arbitration
第三十五條 仲裁

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, whether cause of action is based on contract, tort or otherwise, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the SIAC (“SIAC Rules”) for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The tribunal shall consist of one (1) arbitrator. The language of the arbitration shall be English.

Effective [December 1, 2019]